Group classes

Do you enjoy training your dog and want to practice their neutrality to other dogs and proof obedience around distractions? Group classes are a great place to start! Magic Dog Academy welcomes owners who train their dogs at all levels to join weekly group classes, tailored to your abilities and goals. During group classes, you will work with your dog around other dogs at a similar level and practise engagement, dog neutrality, and communication. 

Play-based strategy

Magic Dog Academy prioritizes meeting you dog’s needs through play. During group classes, you will learn about components of an effective play session and practise implementing these components in an efficient game of tug with your dog. You will also learn to use play as reinforcement in training and as a way to build relationship, proof obedience and develop impulse control. 

Play is a great way to boost your dog’s confidence in dealing with stressful stimuli and overcoming psychological and physical obstacles. Most importantly though, play is a super fun enrichment activity that helps to meet your dog’s innate needs and drives and develop a strong bond with your canine companion. Think about how sport activities can positively affect child development and help children cope with difficulties they encounter at school and in peer groups— playing with our dogs has just as much of a positive impact on their wellbeing and coping mechanisms.